
Q Fever Testing and Vaccination

Barton Lane Practice is able to offer Q Fever testing and immunisation services for both personal and occupational needs.

About Q Fever

There are some great things about living in rural and remote Australia, but Q Fever isn’t one of them.

Q Fever is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Coxiella Burnetii which is spread from animals to humans. The disease has a wide range of severity, which can have significant impacts on short- and long-term health.

The highest risk is from handling cattle, sheep, and goats. In particular handling birthing fluids, faeces, urine and waste products. However, the bacteria can be blown in the wind through contaminated dust, or caught from other animals such as rabbits, kangaroos or ticks. It is thought that 6% of people living on farms and 3% of people living in rural areas will be exposed to Q Fever.

Classic acute Q Fever appears as a flu-like illness with high fever, headache, aches and pains, with lung and liver inflammation. In its severe form it can affect the heart or appear as meningitis. Of those affected, five per cent go on to develop chronic infection which may result in damage to blood vessels, heart valves, liver, or bones. Ten percent develop Q Fever Fatigue Syndrome which can limit activity for months to years.

Prompt recognition, diagnosis and antibiotic treatment (generally doxycycline) can reduce the length of illness and the likelihood of complications. 

Risk is reduced by good hand hygiene and personal protective equipment (including P2 masks). However, vaccination is the most effective way to prevent infection and is recommended for those who work in, live in or visit high risk environments.

Getting tested and vaccinated

The Q Fever Vaccine is a single, lifelong vaccination. It is important to make sure you have not been exposed to Q Fever in the past before getting vaccinated. This will involve two appointments, booked with one of our nurses.

1st Appointment: This includes a consultation with one of our nurses and one of our doctors to go through information about Q fever, the vaccination and your past history with Q Fever. In addition to asking about previous exposure, you will also need to have a skin-prick test and a blood test. The skin test involves a small injection of dilute Q fever vaccine given under the skin on the inside of your forearm. 

2nd Appointment: The second appointment needs to occur 7 days after the first appointment. At this appointment the nurse and doctor will examine the skin test injection site. A lump or swelling at the injection site may mean you have been exposed to Q Fever in the past.  Your blood test results will also be reviewed. If both the skin test and the blood test are negative, and it is appropriate for you, the vaccination may be administered.

Who cannot have a Q Fever Vaccination?

Not everyone can be vaccinated. You cannot be vaccination for Q Fever if you:

  • have previously been exposed to Q Fever
  • are immunosuppressed
  • are under the age of 15 years

The Q Fever vaccine is not routinely recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women as the vaccine’s safety has not been well studied for these groups of people.

How to book your appointment

If you would like to organise Q Fever Testing and Vaccination, please call the practice on 02 6766 6166. You will be booked first with one of our nurses. Our Q Fever appointments are routinely scheduled on Monday afternoons.

Costs associated with Q Fever Testing and Vaccination

Immunisation for personal reasons
(No Concession Cards)


(After Medicare rebates)

Cost includes:

  • Gap fees after Medicare Rebate
  • Skin prick test
  • Cost of Vaccination

Note about the pathology test

  • At present the cost of the pathology test is covered by Medicare for eligible patients*

Immunisation for personal reasons
(Concession Card Holders)


(After Medicare rebates)

Cost includes:

  • Gap fees after Medicare Rebate
  • Skin prick test
  • Cost of Vaccination

Not included in cost:

  • At present the cost of the pathology test is covered by Medicare for eligible patients*

Immunisation for occupational reasons
(Individual or Companies)


Cost includes:

  • Full consultation cost (Medicare rebates are not available when done for occupational purposes)
  • Skin prick test
  • Cost of Vaccination

Not included in cost:

  • Cost of the pathology blood test

* Costs are accurate at 05 January 2021. These may vary due to fluctuations in supply costs of the vaccination or changes to Medicare rebates. Please confirm current costs at time of making your appointment.